Elderly Ottery pensioner survives rottweiler attack

Adriaan Rossouw said it was almost two months since he was attacked by his neighbour’s dogs and nothing had been done about the rottweilers. Picture: Mandilakhe Tshwete

Adriaan Rossouw said it was almost two months since he was attacked by his neighbour’s dogs and nothing had been done about the rottweilers. Picture: Mandilakhe Tshwete

Published May 26, 2023


Cape Town - An elderly man who was attacked by two Rottweilers says the authorities have refused to remove the dogs.

Adriaan Rossouw, 65, was taking a walk on Koraal Street in Ottery when he was bitten by his neighbour’s canines.

“The incident happened on Good Friday, April 7. I walked by the house and noticed the dogs outside and they attacked me.

“I found it strange that they were outside the yard because they are normally locked in. The dogs then decided to attack me, one each side. I had nothing to defend myself with. Eventually I found myself sitting on the ground.”

Rossouw said he scooped sand and threw it at the dogs. “I even hit one with a brick and nothing happened; they wouldn’t let go. I could see that my defence was aggravating the situation. “I screamed for help, and the owner didn’t come out.”

The pensioner said his neighbour sent a message to the community WhatsApp group.

“She alerted other neighbours and within a minute, one man came with his bakkie.

“He drove his car between me and the dogs, and that is how they let me go. The owner of the dogs came out after the commotion and offered to take me to Victoria Hospital. Her husband visited me once and just told me that they didn’t know how the dogs managed to get out of the yard.”

Rossouw said he spent nine days in hospital.

“My wounds were to the legs. I had to be kept in hospital as they were infected.

“Law enforcement officers came to find out about the case and said they couldn’t take the dogs and asked if I wanted to open a criminal case. I wanted the owner to pay for my medical bills.

“I don’t want just a criminal investigation, I would like the dogs to be removed from the neighbourhood because next time it will be a child attacked by the Rottweilers.”

One of the rottweilers that attacked Adriaan Rossouw as he took a walk on Good Friday. Picture: Mandilakhe Tshwete

Law enforcement spokesperson Wayne Dyason confirmed the attack.

“The victim sustained injuries all over his body and was admitted to hospital. Law enforcement responded to the complaint and interviewed the complainant in hospital.

“The complainant advised law enforcement that he did not at this stage wish to proceed with the matter as he was going to discuss the matter with the owner of the dog with a view to getting him to pay his medical costs.

“He would then get back to the officers pending the outcome.

“The public may report incidents at 0214807700 from a cellphone or 107 from a landline.”

The Cape Argus visited the dog owners but they didn’t open the gate.

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