Climate change crisis at helm of India’s G20 presidency

The G20 represents 19 major economies and the EU, comprising 85% of global GDP, over 75% of global trade, and about two-thirds of the global population.

The G20 represents 19 major economies and the EU, comprising 85% of global GDP, over 75% of global trade, and about two-thirds of the global population.

Published Aug 15, 2023


Asoke Mukerji

On December 1, 2022, India assumed the Presidency of the Group of 20 (G-20).

The G20 represents 19 major economies and the EU, comprising 85% of global GDP, over 75% of global trade, and about two-thirds of the global population. The theme of India’s G20 presidency is “One Earth, One Family, One Future”, also encapsulated in Sanskrit by the phrase Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

India’s holistic interdependent approach to global issues emphasises effective and equitable global co-operation. By the time the G20 Summit is held in India on September 9-10 2023, about 200 meetings of the G20 would have been hosted in over 50 cities in India to carry forward the G20 work plan across 32 different work streams.

This provides a large canvas for global co-operation.

India’s six declared priorities as the G20 president are: climate change including climate action; inclusive and resilient growth; acceleration of progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); technological transformation and digital public infrastructure; women-led development; and reformed multilateralism.

India’s endeavour is to make G20 activities “human-centric”, with G20 meetings held in India so far emphasising the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including large numbers of youth.

The G20 Bali Summit held in November 2022 reiterated that the G20 remains “the premier forum for global economic co-operation”.

India’s presidency of the G20 has consciously focused on greater global co-operation within this economic framework.

The main challenges for global co-operation today come from the impact of armed conflicts and unprecedented disruptions like the Covid-19 pandemic on socio-economic development. According to the UN, about 60 million people world-wide were victims of armed conflicts when Agenda 2030 was adopted unanimously in September 2015. By 2022, that figure had risen sharply to 324 million people. In 2015, according to the World Bank, about 700 million people, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, were living below the poverty line.

By 2022, about 685 million people across the world were below the poverty line, with as many as 150 million, mainly in developing countries, pulled below the poverty line by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report underlined that global inequality had risen for the first time in decades, with income losses of the world’s poorest people being twice as high as income losses of the world’s richest people.

In response, the priority for India’s G20 presidency has been to revive the momentum of global cooperation needed to achieve Agenda 2030 by its deadline of December 31, 2030.

The identified SDGs subsume the six priorities identified by India during its presidency.

In the six areas that India has identified as its priorities, national initiatives taken by India have been shared with other G20 countries, especially developing countries. India’s credentials for pushing greater global co-operation within the G20 have strong foundations.

Climate Change: The Climate Change pillar has been influenced significantly by India’s initiative to champion Climate Action. Two landmark proposals are adapting global Lifestyles for Environment (LiFE), and using renewable solar energy for development. The joint India-France proposal on harnessing solar energy, made during the 2015 Paris Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has resulted in the creation of a new multilateral intergovernmental organisation based in India, the International Solar Alliance (ISA).

Today, about 120 countries are members of the ISA, which aims to mobilise US$1 000 billion in investments in solar energy solutions by 2030, delivering energy access to 1 000 million people using clean energy solutions and resulting in the installation of 1 000GW of solar energy capacity.

During its G20 presidency, India has focused on the need for G20 developed country members to contribute both financially and through non-restrictive transfers of environmentally friendly technologies to enhance the national capacities of developing countries to meet global environmental targets.

Inclusive Growth: India’s flagship initiative for a global Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) made at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit anchors the growing emphasis within the G20 on the need to sustain economic growth and build resilient supply chains, particularly after the Covid-19 pandemic and a series of natural disasters attributed to climate change.

By developing standards and regulations to make infrastructure resilient in confronting disaster and climate risks, the CDRI seeks to expand a multiple stakeholder approach to sustain growth through a two-way knowledge transfer between developed and developing countries. India, which hosts the CDRI Secretariat, is currently the single largest financial contributor to this initiative.

Sustainable Development: To assist developing countries to meet their national targets to implement Agenda 2030 and its SDGs, India and the UN created the India-UN Development Partnership Fund in 2017.

With committed financial support of $150 million from India, the Fund has prioritised development projects in the least-developed countries, landlocked-developing countries, and small island developing states. So far, 36 projects in 37 partner countries have been processed by the fund.

Technological Transformation: India’s successful experience in using digital technologies for governance and empowerment to accelerate development through a “whole of society” approach has made it a credible thought-leader in this area during its G20 presidency.

In partnership with the UNDP, India has hosted a series of G20 discussions to position India as a global hub for using open and interoperable standards to create a human-centric digital public infrastructure with lower implementation costs, especially for developing countries.

Women’s Empowerment: India has prioritised women’s digital and financial inclusion through the use of digital technology.

The current focus of G20 meetings being held in India in this sphere includes effective outreach on education for women, greater participation by women in the workforce, larger representation of women in leadership positions, and the continued narrowing of the identified gaps on gender equality.

The G20 will need to give a major push to reform multilateral institutions like the UN and its Security Council, responsible under the UN Charter for maintaining international peace and security (where reforms mandated unanimously by world leaders in 2005 continue to be blocked by the five permanent members of the Security Council); the International Monetary Fund/World Bank, mandated by their Articles of Agreement to ensure global financial coordination for international reconstruction and development (where IMF quota and governance reforms agreed to in 2010 remain unimplemented till now due to delaying tactics by developed countries); and the World Trade Organization, created to ensure the primacy of multilaterally agreed trade rules based on non-discrimination (where reforms to enhance the organisation’s integrity and effectiveness are being exploited since 2016 by the growing recourse of developed countries to unilateralism and protectionism).

On January12 and 13, 2023, India hosted a virtual “Voice of the Global South for Human-centric Development” Summit. A measure of the importance of India’s initiative can be gauged from the fact that 125 countries responded to this initiative, including 47 from Africa, 31 from Asia, 29 from Latin America and the Caribbean, 11 from Oceania, and seven from Europe.

On March 27, 2023, developing countries in the UN voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution opposing unilateral sanctions due to their “extra-territorial” nature and adverse impact on the “right to development”.

The deliberations of the G20 under India’s presidency will be carried forward through two processes. Within the G20, three major developing countries (India, Brazil, and South Africa) will lead the G20 during 2023-2025 creating a three-year window for implementing the priorities of the Global South.

This represents a golden opportunity for India’s G20 presidency in consolidating a “human-centric” sustainable development paradigm, which will restore popular support for the principle of international co-operation upholding the functioning of the “world as one family”.

Ambassador Mukerji is former Permanent Representative of India to the UN and presently a Distinguished Fellow, Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi.

Cape Times

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