Letter: EFF waiting to snatch victory from dysfunctional ANC

The EFF’s 10th anniversary event drew over 100 000 followers, cementing the long-held view that the EFF will either co-govern or govern the country in 2024, says the writer. Picture Oupa Mokoena / African News Agency (ANA)

The EFF’s 10th anniversary event drew over 100 000 followers, cementing the long-held view that the EFF will either co-govern or govern the country in 2024, says the writer. Picture Oupa Mokoena / African News Agency (ANA)

Published Aug 3, 2023


By Farouk Araie

South Africans witnessed the awesome power and rise of the EFF at its 10th anniversary held at the FNB Stadium. The event drew over 100 000 followers, cementing the long-held view that the EFF will either co-govern or govern the country in 2024.

At the next general election, the ANC will probably get about 45% of the votes, with the EFF at 15%.

Together with a majority of 60%, they will take control of the country. Important cabinet posts and the deputy presidency will probably be shared in a marriage of convenience.

Next year could set the scene for governance by coalitions, an exercise fraught with uncertainty. A watershed year that will realign our politics for the next 10 years. The scope and depth of these events will change the political landscape of our Rainbow Nation.

Does the ANC realise that it is hopelessly out of touch with the situation in South Africa? Unless it takes a bold stand against corruption and enhances service delivery, it will be in for a rude awakening in 2024, where it will in all probability garner less than 45% of the votes. Its power base is gradually being dismantled.

The ANC juggernaut is being disassembled at a ferocious pace that should jolt its leaders into action.

It will lose power if it remains in a political coma.

Critical events are being poured out on this nation, one upon another. Load shedding has mutilated the economy. Millions are unemployed and homeless.

Local economies have been wiped out, and critical infrastructure like our once world-class rail system has been utterly destroyed in an orgy of vandalism unmatched in Africa.

Our efforts at service delivery are a tottering shambles. Sooner or later, the economy will begin to shudder.

The consequences will be felt across southern Africa. The energy grid is on the verge of collapse as power generation lurches from crisis to crisis.

Skilled specialists are leaving Koeberg, raising the spectre of a nuclear meltdown. Crime has overwhelmed the nation and forced us to live under siege.

We are reaching a point of no return. The elite has disrupted and corrupted every facet of society, bankrupted our local governments and institutions, and piled the people high with debt to sustain the privileged with perks beyond anything available to ordinary citizens.

Under these circumstances, the future is too ghastly to contemplate.

The winds of change are reaching hurricane level. The present status quo cannot be maintained. The hour of reckoning is fast approaching.

Our ANC ancestors must be turning in their graves. Unless political sanity prevails, Armageddon awaits our impoverished nation.

The grim consequences of an ANC defeat are frightening. Its menacing recoil makes me shudder.

The year 2024 could be the ANC’s Waterloo. The EFF is waiting to snatch victory from a crippled ANC.

Cape Times

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