Anti-lockdown protests looming

The Western Cape has had the most protest actions since the start of the lockdown between March 27 and July 31. Picture: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency (ANA)

The Western Cape has had the most protest actions since the start of the lockdown between March 27 and July 31. Picture: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jun 29, 2021


DURBAN - ANTI-lockdown protests are looming after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement to place South Africa on adjusted Level 4 lockdown regulations aimed at reducing the spread of the Covid-19 third wave.

The announcement was met with uproar, with many complaining about the government’s lack of a clear plan in fighting the virus and resorting to unjustified pronouncements which had previously left the country in a state of economic disaster.

In KwaZulu-Natal, a march was expected to take place on Tuesday but was subsequently postponed to next week. No specific date has been provided as yet. One of the protest coordinators who asked not to be named told the Daily News that the march would include residents from Ntuzuma, Inanda and KwaMashu.

He said: “This government stole more than R500-billion relief fund from its people, leaving all of us to suffer and die in our houses after placing the country on lockdown, shutting all businesses, and leaving us to die from hunger and the virus. Worse, they sent soldiers to come and ensure that we never left our houses to search for food while they were stealing our money.

“There is no vaccine, no money, no plan, but we are expected to stay home, comply and die in silence. President Ramaphosa’s administration has failed this country. Politicians are living large while all of us continue to lose the little we are left with.”

National anti lockdown protests are expected to proceed in other parts of the country on Wednesday. A poster making rounds on social media encourages people to join the march and force the government to end the lockdown for the economy to recover.

Daily News