Ndwedwe Municipality tables R80m budget for technical and infrastructure projects

Ndwedwe Local Municipality mayor Sam Mfeka. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

Ndwedwe Local Municipality mayor Sam Mfeka. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Nov 15, 2022


Durban — The Ndwedwe Local Municipality has tabled an R80 million budget for technical and infrastructure projects for the current (2022/23) financial year.

It was tabled by mayor Samuel Mfeka during an integrated development planning and budget imbizo, held at the Ngayiphi sports field.

The meeting was attended by community members, various councillors and traditional leaders from five wards.

Mfeka said the R80m was to be spent on technical services for five current projects, including the uMdloti bridge, Isibonelo creche, Mahlabathini access road, Court access road and phase two of the Ndwedwe Testing Centre.

It also included the electrification and refurbishment of the KwaDeda sports field public toilets and fencing, the rehabilitation of the water and sewer supply to the Bhamshela Thusong Centre, and reconstruction of the Dalibho Library. The rehabilitation of the water supply and sanitation at Jonny Makathini Civic Hall and Ndwedwe Library, including waste management, had created 85 jobs, he said.

The new council had formulated a 5th Generation Integrated Development Plan that would provide a roadmap for development over the next five years.

“Our new council has set priorities and strategic interventions geared towards eradicating service delivery infrastructure backlogs via the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) and internal funding, maintaining a clean audit opinion and improving the municipality’s financial position.”

The municipality would ensure sound revenue and expenditure management mechanisms were in place.

Strategic planning included fast-tracking town development processes, creating a viable market for farmers, constructing a Disaster Management Centre and establishing broadband municipal infrastructure.

Mfeka said the municipality remained anxious about the shortage of water in Ndwedwe. But they were co-ordinating and assisting the iLembe District Municipality.

“We will identify areas that need attention, [are] causing bottlenecks and hindering service delivery. We are now at an over 90% success rate in terms of electrification of all wards with the assistance of Mineral Resources and Eskom partnerships. We’ve also established a Motor Licensing Office at Ndwedwe municipal offices.”

Daily News