Benign bacteria good for baby and mom

Published Apr 12, 2001


Mothers can prevent eczema and asthma in their children by swallowing benign bacteria while they are pregnant and breast-feeding, say paediatricians in Finland.

Their findings add to a growing body of evidence that

excessive cleanliness might be to blame for relatively new

plagues of these "autoimmune" diseases in richer countries.

The "dirt hypothesis" suggests that our immune systems fail to develop properly unless they are exposed at birth to common, benign bacteria which have ruled the human gut for millennia.

"The results are very striking," says Simon Murch, a paediatric gastroenterologist at the Royal Free and University College School of Medicine in London.

"The first bugs the infant

swallows programme the gut to make a niche for themselves.

It's like getting the first towel on the beach."

First gulp

Marko Kalliomäki and his colleagues at Turku University treated pregnant women with a family history of eczema, asthma or the nose inflammation, rhinitis. These women are at high risk of having children who also develop the conditions.

Only 23 percent of the children exposed to the common gut bacteria went on to develop eczema, compared with 46 percent of those exposed to a placebo treatment.

Babies normally get their first gulp of mother's bacteria as they travel down the birth canal. Throughout human history, this has meant a dose of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.

But modern medicine is preventing this. For babies born by caesarian section, for example, the first gut inhabitants are common hospital bacteria such as Streptococci and Clostridia.

Women with autoimmune diseases may themselves not have the "right" balance of bacteria in their gut and birth canals -

and this may affect their own children, Murch says.

Denied the usual recognition process, immune systems are

wrongly programmed at birth. Cells of the immune system are then more prone to overreaction,attacking a child's own tissue in airways, skin and the gut.

Normalisation theory

The Finnish team aimed to "normalise" the immune system by deliberately exposing infants before and after birth to extra doses of common gut bacteria.

During pregnancy, half the women received twice-daily

capsules containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a benign strainof bacteria. The other half received a placebo.

The women carried on taking the capsules for six months after they had given birth so that their breast-milk would also contain the bacteria. Children of non-breastfeeding mothers received spoonfuls of the bacteria or the dummy treatment. - New Scientist

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