Nestle changes its tune

Published Nov 27, 2008


A trade withdrawal has been issued on two batches of infant milk formula after they were found to contain traces of melamine.

Nestle is doing a compliance trade withdrawal of a batch of Lactogen 1 formula and a batch of Nido 1+. Lactogen batch code 82050179L1, on 3 808 tins, was manufactured in July and Nido batch code 81790181SO2E1M on 699 tins was manufactured in June.

Nestle spokesperson Theo Mxakwe said on Wednesday that while the Health Department had not issued a product recall instruction, the firm had undertaken to do a trade withdrawal to ensure their products remain in line with its corporate business principles and quality standards.

He said the products were safe for consumption and bore no safety or risk concerns, as the traces of melamine detected were 10 times lower than the World Health Organisation's guidance level of health concern.

In the wake of the recent melamine crisis in China, Nestle has taken control of its milk supply chain in South Africa.

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