Popular scooters can really injure if misused

Published Apr 3, 2001


The Child Accident Prevention Foundation (CAPFSA) became aware of the recalling of some scooters in the United States as well a number of serious injuries children sustained when using these scooters.

Some 90 000 scooters from one manufacturer was recalled. The scooters handles can unexpectedly come out of the steering column if the clamp holding them in is not tight, causing the rider to loose control, fall and possibly sustain injuries.

Another manufacturer decided to recall 80 000 scooters. The front folding mechanism (where the steering column meets the base of the scooter) can create a pinch-point injury to children.

CAPFSA felt it important to inform parents and children of the potential for serious injuries when these scooters are not used safely.

The following are just a few safety tips to assist with preventing injuries when using a scooter:

- Always wear proper protective gear when using a scooter such as a helmet, elbow and knee pads

- Children under 8 years should be supervised when using a scooter

- Always follow the instruction manual to assemble the scooter

- Scooters should not be used on any slippery surface or steep slope

- Scooters should be checked regularly for loose, broken or cracked parts

- Don't ride scooters a night

- Younger children should not be aloud to adjust settings of the scooter of fold it up without the assistance of an adult

- Show children how the scooter should be used and set rules of where and how children are aloud to use them

- Teach children never to hitch a ride from a car, truck or bike

- Scooters should not be used on the road but rather on the pavement. Riders should be aware of other pedestrians and driveway gates

- Scooter riding can be a lot of fun if the above safety tips are followed. Remember the misuse and abuse of a scooter is bound to end up in a serious injury.

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