Purity Juices

Published Nov 20, 2001


When is your baby ready?

Babies do not need any fluids other than breastmilk or formula for the first 4-5 months. Breastmilk is ideal as it provides all of the baby's nutritional and fluid requirements. The foremilk is sufficient to satisfy thirst while the hindmilk satisfies hunger.

Why is juice included in baby's diet?

- Juice introduces your baby to new flavours in a familiar liquid form and is useful in hot weather to reduce thirst and prevent dehydration.

- Use juices that are specially designed for babies, and are a good source of vitamins, in particular Vitamin C. When added to iron-fortified cereals, the Vitamin C in juices will enhance Iron absorption in the body.

- Also, babies who are constipated will benefit from fruit juices, especially prune juice.

How to give juice

Juices should never replace a milk feed; they can be given in-between meals. Always remember to use a cup when giving your baby fruit juice unless he or she is able to suck through a straw. Babies' teeth can be damaged if exposed to juice for a long time. Begin cleaning baby's teeth gently with a soft cloth/toothbrush regularly as soon as they begin to appear. Wait 20 minutes before brushing baby's teeth if he or she has just been drinking juice as enamel is weakened by contact with juice. Do not give juice at bedtime. Infants older than 6 months should take in a minimum of 250ml of juice per day.

What juice is best?

Purity's range of baby juices are specially prepared to be gentle for your baby's tummy as the sweetness and acidity levels are carefully regulated.

The advantage of giving baby juices designed specifically for babies is the fact these juices not only contain extra nutritional value but also lower sugar content as this is controlled by legislation. This in turn results in fewer gastrointestinal upsets and a reduced tendency to diarrhoea.

Fizzy drinks should not be given to babies under a year as they are high in calories and low in nutrients.

Research has shown the consumption of Rooibos tea can improve the absorption of Iron. Iron is an important mineral for brain growth and development.

The Purity Choice includes:

- Clear fruit juices

- Fruit juice concentrates including Fortris and Vita-juice

- Rooibos tea and Fruit nectar blends

- Honeybush tea and Fruit nectar blends

- Chamomile tea and Fruit nectar blends

- Tetra Pack Pressed and Pure fruit juice blends

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