3 desserts you can bake to celebrate World Baking Day

Chocolate chip cookies. Picture: Supplied

Chocolate chip cookies. Picture: Supplied

Published May 17, 2022


It’s World Baking Day, and whether your preferred baking treat is cake, cookies, brownies or biscuits, just make sure you get your fix on the day.

According to Days of the Year, the day was created to spread the joy of baking around the world. It is the perfect time for first-time bakers to whip out that rolling pin, bake a cake, and celebrate.

The site adds: “This day is meant to show people just how much fun it can be to make a cake or some cookies, and baking can be a great way to spend time with family and friends.”

And to celebrate this wonderful day, I have combined a list of three celebratory desserts for you. Happy World Baking Day!

Sugar-free chocolate mousse. Picture: Supplied

Sugar-free chocolate mousse


150ml water

10ml gelatine

150ml milk

50g cocoa powder

1 pinch of salt

80g butter

10ml honey

85g egg yolk

120g xylitol

½ tsp cream of tartar

250ml fresh whipped cream

Fresh berries


Place the water into a pot and heat. Add gelatine, and whisk until dissolved.

Add milk, cocoa powder, salt, and vanilla. Use a whisk and dissolve cocoa into the mixture.

Add butter and honey, and mix until dissolved. Stir regularly until hot.

Leave to cool slightly. Whisk in the egg yolks.

Grind xylitol until fine. Set aside.

Whisk egg white and cream of tartar on high speed until stiff peaks. Add xylitol one spoon at a time until well mixed.

Add cocoa mixture slowly to the egg white, until well mixed.

Pour the mixture into your serving glasses. Refrigerate until set. Serve with freshly whipped cream and fresh berries.

Chocolate chip cookies


1 cup unsalted butter, softened

½ cup granulated sugar

1 cup light brown sugar

2 large eggs at room temperature

2 tsp vanilla extract

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips


In a mixing bowl, combine the butter and both sugars. Mix well until they are creamed.

Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract.

In a separate mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, baking soda and mix together.

Mix the dry ingredients in thirds into the butter mixture to blend.

Fold in the chocolate chips, using a spatula or wooden spoon.

Using a trigger release ice cream scoop, portion the cookie dough onto a lined sheet pan, leaving 3cm to 5cm gaps between each cookie.

Bake one sheet at a time at 175ºC for 13 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown.

Recipe by Naheed Ahmed

Mahalabia. Picture: Supplied



990ml milk

250g sugar

80g cornstarch or white rice flour

25ml rosewater or orange extract

50g pistachio nuts, roasted and crushed


Warm the milk and sugar in a heavy-based saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Place the cornstarch or white rice flour into a separate bowl, pour in 50ml of the warm milk/sugar mixture, and whisk until smooth, then pour the mixture back into the pot with the sugar and milk and stir continuously over medium-low heat. Cook until the mixture thickens and resembles a custard (15– 20 minutes) then remove from the heat and add the rosewater or orange extract. Next, pour the mixture into pretty serving dishes, glasses, or cups and place in the refrigerator to set for at least 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle the crushed pistachio nuts on top along with a dash of rosewater or orange extract (whichever one you are using). If you want to make this dessert in advance and keep the Mahalabia overnight, cover the dishes with cling film to prevent the surface from becoming too dry or absorbing any fridge smells.

Tip: to avoid burning the bottom of the Mahalabia, use a heavy-based saucepan and cook over medium to low heat only.

Recipe by Hendrik Pretorius

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