We all know that washing your hands is very important, but what about the nails? To ensure extra safety when it comes to keeping other parts of your body looking healthy during these tough times, we've summarised five ways on how to take care of your nails.
Avoid long nails
Long nails are cute and all but now is the time to keep them short. Long nails carry dirty, which means it may be easier for you to catch the virus.
No nail salon
Besides the fact that social distancing is a thing so many salons are closed, doing your nails at this crucial time is not advisable. We know that most nail technicians sanitize their equipment and wear gloves but being so close to a technician is still not on. A lot can go wrong. Rather be safe than sorry.
Wear clear nail colour
Dark colours tend to hide the dirt under your fingernails so it's best to wear a clear nail polish to avoid surprises.
Scrub your nails with a brush
Make it a habit to scrub your nails with a brush every-time you wash your hands. In that way, you're able to remove any built up dirt that may be hidden.
Do not bite your nails
Nails do not belong to the mouth. Use a cutter if you want to shorten them, not your teeth.