WATCH: Trippy optical illusion face paint will blow your mind

MIMI Choi’s face art. Picture: Instagram

MIMI Choi’s face art. Picture: Instagram

Published Aug 2, 2021


You’ll either be completely amazed and won’t be able to stop watching or way too freaked out to continue, either way, this make-up artist’s illusion face paint will blow your mind.

Make-up artist Mimi Choi is masterfully skilled at using the face as a canvas to create optical illusion designs that some might describe as “trippy”.

The Vancouver-based make-up artist recently posted one of her creations that had her 1.6M Instagram followers once again mesmerised.

For this look she transformed herself into a grid of eyes, lips, and ears. She even included a few safety pins pierced through some of the “ears” drawn on her face.

The artist suffers from sleep paralysis. A condition that leads to a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking.

Often during those episodes of sleep paralysis she has vivid visions that frequently inspire her art work

This multiple-feature illusion took eight hours to create.

“I slept three times with my bald cap and illusion on because I got really dizzy and nauseous from painting the side of my head lol. This took around 8 hours to create” said Choi in her Instagram post.

She is world renowned for her intricate face artwork and mind blowing optical illusions.

She was the artist behind actor Ezra Miller’s Met Gala, “Camp: Notes for Fashion” look in 2019.

This heard-turning face art features seven smokey eyes and a bold red lip.

The video below shows more of this artist’s incredible work. Hopefully you’ll be able to make it through to the end and not be too creeped out.

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