Facebook users shocked after wedding couple turn gift registry into cash register by asking guests to gift them R1K



Published Mar 9, 2021


If you’ve ever planned a wedding, you’ll know that costs add up quickly and before you know it, your budget is blown and so is your bank account.

That’s before you’ve even jetted off to your honeymoon. That’s if you can still afford to go on that honeymoon you booked months before the wedding.

There’s nothing worse than going into a marriage with huge debt.

Couples often argue about money issues. Picture: Pexels

It’s no surprise that bridal couples are now requesting that their guest gift them money instead of actual gifts.

Not a bad idea when you end up with three toasters and 10 sets of glasses at the end of the day.

But when a couple specify the amount, that’s taking it a bit far.

That’s what many social media users thought when they saw the Facebook post by an invitation designer who shared a photograph of the card, what the Australian bride and groom referred to as a “wishing well”.

The card sent out with the invitation read: “Our bank account is in debt, and we would like it to go back into credit. Please visit the ATM, we know you're a gem. Pull out your greens and let it be seen that your kindness is real when it's given its final seal. So place your cash in our wishing well and make our dreams come true, that will be swell.”

Wishing well card. Picture: Facebook

First of all it takes guts to come out and tell you’re guests that broke and second, to specifically “pull out your greens”.

In Australia “greens” refers to the $100 note. Which is about R1 000.

As expected this didn’t go down well with some Facebook users finding the request “shocking”. Here are a few of the responses.

“Greedy. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had an actual ATM at their wedding” while another commented, "Eeek ... I feel like the choice of words about the wishing well is a bit ... tacky?"

Another didn’t seem too offended by the request but more at the poem itself, "I’m more offended by that terrible attempt at rhyming and poetry."

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