GNU : ‘Arrogant DA’ could find itself out of multiparty government, says MK Party

Umkhonto Wesizwe party. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

Umkhonto Wesizwe party. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

Published Jun 10, 2024


The race to form a new government is hotting up with a behind the scenes push to keep the Democratic Alliance (DA) out.

IOL has spoken to sources across all major parties who confirmed meetings are ramping up with each other this week around the ANC's proposed Government of National Unity (GNU).

But, the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK) says the DA will likely be out of the GNU.

"The DA has already isolated itself by being arrogant in ignoring the will of the people and the majority who voted for MK in KwaZulu-Natal. Progressive black forces are willing to put the country and the vision of the majority of our people first and will come together to do that," senior MK leader Muzi Ntshingila told IOL.

Ntshingila added the party's stance on not accepting ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa as part of any new formation still stands - but, insists it is continuing talks with ANC leaders, just not Ramaphosa.

This hints at compromises being made to ensure their bigger prize in keeping the DA out of any government coalition is achieved.

The DA's Solly Malatsi has cautioned against any rush to conclusions around the DA being left out.

"Our party's Federal Council is meeting on Monday where we will receive feedback from our negotiating team. We will then discuss this and decide how to proceed. But our talks with the ANC continues," Malatsi told IOL.

There's been a push by financial markets for a GNU made up of the ANC, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and the DA, while others have called for a Black Pact of progressive parties which exclude the DA.

The ANC itself is split over this, with some in support of the DA/IFP partnership and others threatening to quit if the DA is brought in.

Smaller parties have also entered the fray, saying they too want to be included in the GNU.

The IFP is once again, likely to emerge king maker both nationally and in KZN where the MKP triumphed.

The IFP remains the only party everyone is open to partnering with, but they've played their cards close.

They have embraced a GNU with the ANC and the DA, but, like other parties, will be demanding certain posts as talks proceed to the next stage this week.

And, despite the DA rejecting any partnership with the EFF and the MKP, the ANC is continuing its talks with both parties, raising prospects for a broad based GNU without the DA.

Ultimately, its the ANC, which, despite achieving less than 50% of the votes, still holds sway as the party with the majority.

Its their call on which partners it wants to govern with, despite the demands, threats and protests from parties on their preferences.

The race to conclude comes as the clock ticks for a new parliament to be inaugurated this month.

But, that too, has been hit by new criticism from MK.

"We've been advised by our sources that president Cyril Ramaphosa has instructed the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) to prepare for the swearing in of MPs on 19 June.

“By doing this, the Chief Justice has to pronounce this date for the inauguration of Parliament which we disagree with, given our challenge on the election results and lack of consensus on the way forward.

“We cannot go into a new parliament without matters being resolved," said Ntshingila, adding that MK intends turning to the African Union to step in on their dispute around election results.

Presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya has dismissed rumours of any instructions by the president on the date of the inauguration of the new parliament.

"The swearing in of MPs is the sole responsibility of the Chief Justice, not the President. You would have seen this past week the IEC handing over the party candidates list to the Chief Justice. It's not the responsibility of the President," Magwenya told IOL.