KZN Premier Ntuli embarks on strategic US visit for climate week

As part of Climate Week in New York, KZN Premier Thami Ntuli will engage global leaders to explore strategies for renewable energy, climate adaptation, and securing international support for the province’s sustainability efforts. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo / Independent Newspapers / File

As part of Climate Week in New York, KZN Premier Thami Ntuli will engage global leaders to explore strategies for renewable energy, climate adaptation, and securing international support for the province’s sustainability efforts. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo / Independent Newspapers / File

Published Sep 20, 2024


KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thami Ntuli has embarked on a strategic visit to New York City to participate in Climate Week, from September 22 to 29 2024.

This event, held alongside the United Nations General Assembly, is one of the world’s largest forums focused on climate action and sustainability.

This comes after the province has been grappling with climate-related challenges.

Ntuli departed on Wednesday, September 18, with the primary goal of engaging in high-level discussions and forming key strategic partnerships.

According to the spokesperson, Lindelani Mbatha, ‘’The Premier’s participation in Climate Week underscores KwaZulu-Natal’s commitment to tackling climate change, promoting sustainable development, and fostering international relationships, especially with South Africa’s third-largest trade partner, the United States.”

Mbatha said during the week, Ntuli will advocate for increased international cooperation to combat climate change, secure investments in green technologies, and explore strategies for sustainable land-use practices.

One of the key engagements will take place on Friday September 20, when the Premier will meet with the South African Consul General to New York, Simon Cardy, he said.

Mbatha said the discussion is expected to cover a broad range of global issues, including trade, investment, climate change, food security, and energy.

KwaZulu-Natal has faced significant climate-related challenges recently, such as heavy rainfall, hailstorms, and tornadoes that caused infrastructure damage, particularly in the eThekwini Metro, Ilembe, and Howick areas.

The April 2022 floods were particularly devastating, claiming over 400 lives and severely disrupting the province’s infrastructure, including port operations in Durban.

"The Premier’s visit comes at a critical time as the province seeks international collaboration and investment to enhance climate resilience and disaster preparedness," Mbatha added.

On September 25, Ntuli will attend the Subnational Climate Action Leaders Exchange (SCALE) Summit.

This summit will bring together global leaders to explore innovative climate adaptation strategies, renewable energy initiatives, and sustainable agricultural practices.

Ntuli’s participation will focus on securing international support and investment for KwaZulu-Natal’s renewable energy projects and climate adaptation plans.

Mbatha noted that Ntul’s visit aims to achieve several important outcomes, including forging global partnerships, securing investment for climate-related projects, and showcasing KwaZulu-Natal’s progress in disaster risk management and biodiversity conservation.

"This visit is a testament to KwaZulu-Natal’s proactive approach to addressing climate challenges. The province is positioning itself as a leader in climate adaptation and sustainability efforts," Mbatha said.

While Premier Ntuli is away, Thembeni KaMadlopha-Mthethwa will serve as Acting Premier.

This appointment reflects Ntuli’s commitment to women’s leadership and empowerment within the provincial government.

“Ntuli believes in the transformative power of inclusive governance, and entrusting women leaders with critical roles ensures diverse perspectives are brought into decision-making,” Mbatha emphasised.

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