KZN's Finance MEC Francois Rogers implements major budget reforms

Francois Rogers.
Picture: Tumi Pakkies Independent Media

Francois Rogers. Picture: Tumi Pakkies Independent Media

Image by: Picture: Tumi Pakkies Independent Media

Published Mar 26, 2025


KZN Finance MEC, Francois Rogers, is shaking up the province with his iron fist approach on spending, and Tuesday's tabling of the R158 billion budget proved it's working.

For the first time, there are no budget cuts to departments.

Instead, Rogers has boosted funding to key services - Education, Health, Social Development, and Economic Development included. But, in doing so, IOL asked him how he intends to ensure that the injection of bigger budgets will not be mismanaged.

"Since having taken over office, I have put in place numerous mechanisms and systems to ensure that expenditure is compliant. The current establishment of the e-procurement system will further assist in areas of wastage, corruption, and unauthorized expenditure," he said.

The new procurement system will be rolled out nationally and is expected to streamline procurement for government departments. In the interim, Rogers is taking no chances. He's cracked the whip across all departments and appears to be on track in delivering his promise to save KZN taxpayers R5 million within five years.

His blitz on spending cuts has worked. Within the first three months of taking office, he caused a stir by announcing the closure of duplicate government offices in Durban, cancelling spending on Christmas parties, putting the brakes on lavish travel, and other government splurges which had become the norm over the years.

"One of his first tasks involved travelling to a meeting in another city after he took office. And I remember him arriving at this hotel, and he was taken to the presidential suite because that's how travel bookings had always been done for MECs. Francois refused and chose to stay at a Bed and Breakfast instead. He practices what he expects of others," said one of Roger's close associates.

His iron fist approach to cutbacks is expected to be ramped up, given the boost in finances to departments.

The increase in spending in the next financial year is expected to bring much-needed relief to service delivery in the province.

Departments have consistently blamed budget cuts year on year for their failure to deliver services. Now, the windfall of increased budgets is likely to put them to the test as financial constraints will no longer be the acceptable excuse for issues that have plagued public services for years. Service providers will also likely no longer accept budget cuts as the excuse for not being paid, or not being paid within 30 days, as legislated for government departments.

The departments of Education and Health, in particular, are expected to come under the MEC's watch as they are amongst those that received the lion's share of the budget.

IOL News 

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