Have your say in review of code for banks

Published Mar 26, 2001


Bank clients are being asked for their suggestions on how to beef up the Code of Banking Practice. The Code of Banking Practice, which became effective in April 2000, sets the minimum standard of service that individuals can expect from banks that subscribe to the code. The code is a voluntary undertaking by member banks and provides some good safeguards for bank clients.

The Banking Council undertook to review the code on a regular basis and has decided to review the present version this year with the aim of publishing the next version early in 2002.

Ask your bank for a copy of the existing code or have a look at it on the Banking Council's website at www.banking.org.za

All submissions must be in writing and addressed to: Code Review, c/o Adri Grobler, Box 61674, Marshalltown, 2107. You can also fax your suggestions to (011) 836 5509 or e-mail them to: [email protected]. The deadline is May 15, 2001.

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