New shares under-perform on our new company index

Published Oct 13, 1999


Newly listed shares over the past year continue to under-perform shares in

general, the Curo Personal Finance Initial Public Offer (IPO) Index shows.

The IPO Index is 6,8 percent down since it was launched on August 11. The

Johannesburg Stock Exchange`s Small Cap Index has also lost ground, but to

a lesser extent, and is down 4,1 percent, while the All Share Index has

gained 3,7 percent and the Industrial Index 6,1 percent, over the same


Jason Parker-Smith, of Curo Financial Services, says even the listings of

ERP.COM and Investment Solutions - two of the three successful listings

which have taken place on the JSE - and which have returned over 100

percent and 30 percent, could not influence the IPO Index.

The IPO index was launched to help you evaluate the performance of your

investments in newly-listed companies. The index includes all companies

that have listed over the past year.

New additions to the JSE`s financial services sector were Incentive

Holdings and Investment Solutions, and ERP.COM Holdings, listed in the

venture capital sector since August 27.

Incentive`s subsidiaries consists of securities which include

stockbroking, corporate finance, asset management, assurance, financial

services and joint ventures.

The share listed at 100 cents and has remained close to this price ever

since its listing on September 3.

Investment Solutions Holdings, which listed on September 30, has two main

subsidiaries - a multi-manager business and retirement funds business.

From its listing price of 220 cents, the share has managed to climb 34

percent, to around 295 cents.

ERP.COM Holdings listed on the venture capital market on September 16. The

company develops business information systems for their clients and was

very well received by the market. It is trading at 113 cents, which is a

126 percent premium to its listing price of 50 cents.

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