Warning about 'cancel' ATM scam

Published Sep 11, 2000


First National Bank has warned ATM users that criminals are targeting ATMs with card cancellation facilities as a new method of cheating users out of their money.

This follows a recent report that criminals are jamming card readers, using the subsequent confusion to distract users and withdraw funds from their accounts.

In this latest method, a criminal will disable the card slot, then offer the customer help in inserting the card, using the opportunity to remove the card - but convince the owner that it has gone into the slot.

Keying in the PIN has no effect, as there is no card in the slot and the fraudster then suggests that the card should be cancelled. During this procedure, the stranger attempts to catch sight of the PIN. If he is successful, and already has the card in his possession, he is able to withdraw money from the account at will. The customer, meanwhile, thinks the card has been safely cancelled.

First National Bank (FNB) provides a facility (for its own cardholders) at BOB ATMs to allow card cancellation without a card being present. However, Jean Osche, head of FNB's ATM Network says: "We may have to consider removing this facility from our ATMs. It is a facility that is used regularly and appreciated by our customers, as it is the quickest and most convenient method of cancelling a card.

"But we are also well aware of the distress and trauma our customers suffer when they are swindled out of their cards and PINs and someone obtains illegal access to their money.

"We have to try and balance the distress of the few with the convenience to the many. Our customers can help by being extra vigilant at the ATM, using their hands as a shield when keying in the PIN and never, never giving their cards to strangers or typing in their PINs without being specifically asked to do so by the ATM screen message," Osche says.


* Criminals must have both your PIN and your card to gain access to your account;

* Never let anyone see your PIN;

* Never let anyone touch your card;

* Follow the instructions on the ATM exactly;

* A successful card cancellation will be confirmed by the issue of a transaction slip; and

* Reduce your daily limit from the maximum of R1 000 to an amount that suits you. If you are unfortunate enough to be swindled, the loss will not be so great.

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