Nomsa Buthelezi opens up about losing gigs in the industry due to her sexuality

TV presenter and actress, Nomsa Buthelezi-Shezi, has courageously spoken out about the challenges she faced, both professionally and personally. Picture:FACEBOOK.

TV presenter and actress, Nomsa Buthelezi-Shezi, has courageously spoken out about the challenges she faced, both professionally and personally. Picture:FACEBOOK.

Published Jan 30, 2024


Former presenter of “Our Perfect Wedding” and actress, Nomsa Buthelezi-Shezi, has spoken out about the challenges she faces, professionally and personally.

In a heartfelt TikTok video shared by MDN, Buthelezi poured her heart out, shedding light on the discrimination she endured as a lesbian and its impact on her career.

With tears in her eyes, Buthelezi shared that she'd been feeling sad and it's been tough for her emotionally. She revealed that she had lost job opportunities in the entertainment industry because of her sexual orientation.

She emphasised the hardships of being a member of the LGBTQ+ community in an industry that, despite progress, still grappled with deep-seated prejudices.

The actress revealed that some opportunities were snatched away from her solely because of her sexuality.

Buthelezi exposes the darker side of the entertainment industry, sharing her experience of being mistreated by individuals who, she claims, stole her knowledge and took advantage of her.

She said: “There are people in this industry who’ve done horrible things to me, but I kept quiet. They were there to steal my knowledge, like wolves in sheep skin. I never got justice but continued.”

— MDN NEWS (@MDNnewss) January 29, 2024

Despite the hardships, Buthelezi maintains her resilience and faith in a higher power. She reassured her fans that even though she was treated poorly and faced adversity, she would persevere.

“Maybe this will make my enemies happy. But rest assured, God never rests,” Buthelezi added.

@Penelope_Makala commented: “Ke Perfect Wedding the show ?? 🤔 Aa this is heartbreaking 💔 Nomsa must stand up and start again. Unfortunately betrayal will always be there. Even Jesus was betrayed, strength to you mommy ♥️”

@__T_touch wrote: “This isn't fair. 💔 Strength to her. No wonder I no longer see her on screen.”

While @Beevatar commented: “Sad to see how industry treats the underdogs. Nomsa is a brilliant actress and presenter. I remember her role of “Slender" in Lockdown prison drama she nailed it. I also enjoyed watching her on OPW!”