Political parties deliberate on GNU

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu. Picture: Oupa Mokoena / Independent Newspapers

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu. Picture: Oupa Mokoena / Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 9, 2024


Durban — It’s a case of wait-and-see as political parties mull over ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that the party preferred forming a Government of National Unity (GNU).

While some parties were still holding talks, EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu made it clear that his party would not be in a government that featured the DA and Freedom Front Plus.

Shivambu said the party was opposed to the idea of a GNU “as it resembled what was concocted in 1994”, which he said had FW de Klerk as a deputy president and ministers inherited from the apartheid system.

“We do not form any part of a government with the representatives of the colonial and apartheid system.

“The DA and all these minority white parties represent the (apartheid) agenda. We are not going to form part of any government with the DA and FF Plus and we are not going to sit alongside the DA and FF Plus in government,” he said at a press conference.

Shivambu said the EFF would hold further discussions with the ANC.

DA spokesperson Solly Malatsi said his party accepted the GNU and the negotiations were moving to the next phase, including meeting other parties to listen to their views and reactions.

“We also hope to get more details from the ANC on the finer details of their GNU proposal, for deliberation by our Fedex (federal executive) and our federal council due to meet tomorrow. We remain committed to the efforts to find stability for our country,” said Malatsi.

IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa said in a meeting between the IFP and the ANC earlier this week, three options of government – coalition, GNU and a minority government – were discussed.

“It is abundantly clear that difficult choices and political considerations of material consequences for the country are upon us.

“Accordingly, the IFP coalitions task team resolved that the ANC must be given space and time to apply its mind and consult further,” he said.

Hlengwa said their coalitions task team had been mandated to engage the ANC and other parties further and report back to the IFP NEC (national executive committee) on Monday.

“The IFP will broaden the scope of its engagement with other parties, particularly as we all grapple with the possibility, viability and dynamics of a Government of National Unity. In principle, the IFP is not averse to a GNU. However, the devil is in the details, which will become clearer in the coming days, thus enabling the IFP to make a well-considered decision.

“Our discussions continue to be guided by our policies and 13-point manifesto plan, the Constitution, and the rule of law,” said Hlengwa.

When asked if the Patriotic Alliance would participate in the GNU, its deputy secretary general Meshe Habana said: “The PA NEC is sitting this weekend (and) we will know after this weekend.”

Sunday Tribune