The abuse of power: Tariomix liquidators’ relentless pursuit of Liebenberg’s assets

Louis Liebenberg and his wife Dezzi. Picture: Supplied

Louis Liebenberg and his wife Dezzi. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 28, 2024


IN a chilling display of legal manipulation and abuse, the liquidators of Tariomix have embarked on a disturbing spree of asset seizures, hiding behind the thin veil of “asset recovery” while trampling on the rights and properties of innocent individuals.

This week alone, their egregious actions have reached new heights of audacity, as they've obtained multiple search and seizure warrants under the guise of “confidential affidavits”, convincing judges to grant them unfettered access to properties and possessions unrelated to the company's affairs.

Under the leadership of the Tariomix liquidators, particularly evident this week, the abuse of legal provisions has reached alarming proportions. One such instance involves the unwarranted raid on the personal furniture of Louis Liebenberg’s wife, conducted despite clear evidence that the properties targeted were rented prior to their marriage, with items purchased long before any association with Tariomix.

Despite irrefutable proof, the liquidators persisted in their assault on personal property, resorting to tactics that skirt the boundaries of legality.

“The actions of the liquidators are not only unjust but a gross abuse of power, Liebenberg stated emphatically, reflecting on the unwarranted intrusion into his personal life.

“My wife’s possessions have been unlawfully seized, and their actions are a clear violation of our rights. It's absolutely disgraceful.”

The relentless pursuit of assets extended to Liebenberg’s offices in Kempton Park, where even after being presented with evidence of rented furniture, the liquidators persisted in their attempts to seize assets through the sheriff.

Simultaneously, a property in Durbanville, Cape Town, rented by Liebenberg's wife, fell victim to illegal asset removal, with possessions confiscated without proper documentation, let alone justification.

“They barged into my wife's home and took everything, without even a proper inventory of what they seized,” Liebenberg recounted, his voice filled with anger and disbelief. “It's pure intimidation and harassment.”

Today, yet another instance of abuse unfolded, as the liquidators, accompanied by the Bloemfontein sheriff, targeted a property also rented by Liebenberg’s wife before her association with him.

Despite lacking a warrant, the liquidators brazenly seized possessions within, leaving a chilling reminder of their unchecked power. Shockingly, the attorney representing the liquidators in Bloemfontein, Kobus Senekal, raises serious concerns of conflict of interest, having previously acted as a correspondent for Liebenberg himself.

Such dubious connections cast a shadow over the integrity of the entire process.

Further troubling is the revelation that Senekal represents the parents of liquidator Vaughn Victor in their own criminal case, where they stand accused of fraud, money laundering and tax evasion amounting to a staggering R29 million.

The tangled web of connections and potential conflicts of interest only deepens the suspicion surrounding the liquidators' actions.

“The harassment must end. I refuse to stand idly by while the liquidators trample on our rights and integrity,” Liebenberg declared, his voice resonating with determination.

“We have had enough of their underhanded tactics, abusing the law to steal my wife's belongings and prevent my staff at other companies from simply doing their jobs. We will pursue swift and decisive legal action against these abuses.

“This time, they will not manipulate the system to their advantage, they took pictures my wife had kept from her time in an orphanage, letters from her children. What kind of human does that unless they are trying to prove a point of dominance at all costs.”

The actions of the Tariomix liquidators underscore a chilling reality: the abuse of legal mechanisms to serve personal agendas. Behind the veil of asset recovery lies a sinister motive, one that tramples on the rights and dignity of individuals.

It is imperative that such abuses are exposed and met with resolute opposition, lest the sanctity of justice itself be compromised.

“We will not be bullied any longer,” Liebenberg concluded resolutely. “The truth will come out, and those responsible will be held to account. Justice will prevail.”

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