It is with great concern that the SAOU has learnt of the non-compliance of the Free State Provincial Education Department to not adhere to their obligations towards the members of the South African Teachers' Union (SAOU).
In a letter from GEMS addressed to the PSCBC, it was indicated that the FSED had deducted the GEMS contributions from personnel, but had not paid these contributions to GEMS. According to this letter, the non-compliance was due to a “cash-flow problem” in the province.
GEMS provided an opportunity for the Department to comply by the 10th of March 2025, but this deadline was not met. If the amount in arrears is not paid by the end of April 2025 all Free State Education Department members of GEMS will lose their membership.
This is unacceptable to the SAOU.If this non-compliance is not immediately corrected, similar processes will be followed as were implemented in the Northern Cape.
Labour action against the Free State Education Department will be considered.SAOU members are dependent on GEMS as a service provider for government employees and cannot function without the benefit of medical cover.
These members are reliant on medical support, especially in light of the increase in stressful work environments and the decrease in personal wellness. The SAOU demands accountability from the Free State Education Department and will support other unions should legal action prove to be the only solution to rectify this situation.
The SAOU insists that the Free State Education Department discharge its obligations without delay.
South African Teachers' Union