Durban student sailor sets sights on Mirror World Championships

Keyuren Maharaj.

Keyuren Maharaj.

Published Mar 3, 2025


KEYUREN Maharaj, a 22-year-old mechanical engineering student from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), is set to represent Durban in the prestigious Mirror Africans and Worlds Regatta.

The young sailor, who began his journey at Glenwood High School, will compete alongside his brother in this international event at Point's Ushaka Beach this April.

The Glenwood resident began sailing in 2016, while in high school. He was a part of the Glenwood High’s sailing programme. He now holds the title of Commodore of the UKZN Yacht Club.

“I started sailing in Grade 8. During my application interview in Grade 7, I found out about sailing and I thought that it would be an amazing sport to try. No one in my family had ever sailed and not a lot of people get an opportunity to try out a sport like this,” he said.

He obtained his skipper's ticket when he turned 16 and he took the helm of Container World in 2018. 

He is now the skipper of the UKZN sailing team on their L26 yacht, SLFC Spindrift. They consist of a team of around 20 students every year and his racing team consists of 6. 

“As the skipper you are in charge of the boat and crew. Sailing is a sport that you can do until you die. It’s a skill that I can use all around the world so I definitely could make a living off it in the future if the opportunity is there."

Maharaj has raced in many regattas from interschools to national events like the annual MSC Week hosted by Point Yacht Club that falls in July and the Lipton Cup, which is one of the oldest and prestigious regattas in South Africa. 

“One of my highlights was when I received my South African Medal for finishing 2nd in the L26 Nationals, as well as winning 3 interschools regattas over the years.”

Keyuren Maharaj and his team onboard the SLFC Spindrift.

He said he loved the freedom of sailing.

“My best moment on the water was in 2019 when we were stuck out at sea in a storm during MSC Week. I was just 16 and skippering a new crew in those over 40-knot winds and I can still remember the adrenaline rush.

“It was an experience like no other because I have to make extremely important decisions during those hours that would go on to impact the rest of my crew and the boat.”

He is excited for the Mirror Africans and Worlds Regatta, where he will be competing with his brother.

“This is an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity due to the fact that it's being hosted in South Africa and right on our doorstep of Durban and not everyone gets a chance to sail in a Worlds regatta. 

“My brother Seshen, who is a matric pupil at Glenwood High, and I will be racing together against people from all over the world. I encourage everyone in Durban to come and watch as there will be a spectacular event off the point promenade.”

The Mirror Africans and Worlds Regatta is taking place from April 14 to 19 and is hosted by the Point Yacht Club at their Beach Club venue.