Four Paws calls animal lovers to Parliament

Four Paws staff . Picture: Four Paws

Four Paws staff . Picture: Four Paws

Published Sep 22, 2024


Cape Town - Calling all animal lovers of Cape Town, the global animal welfare organisation Four Paws is urging the community to join them at the “Bring Animals to Parliament” gathering on October 4 in front of Parliament.

Running from 10am to 1pm, the event, held on World Animal Day, calls on the public to support a memorandum urging lawmakers to prioritise animal welfare in national legislation.

Through advocacy, symbolic artwork, and community participation, Four Paws aims to make animal sentience a legislative priority.

The organisation works to protect animals under direct human influence, striving to create a world where animals are treated with respect, empathy and understanding. The organisation advocates for sustainable solutions through awareness campaigns, education, and concrete actions to improve the living conditions of animals globally.

Director of Four Paws, Fiona Miles, told the Weekend Argus that the urgency of this appeal is based on recurring issues that must be addressed in legislature.

“On companion animal welfare, every companion animal in South Africa deserves a safe home, love and care. Yet, many animals in urban and rural areas continue to suffer due to lack of resources and proper population management. It’s time for a united effort where government, veterinary professionals and animal welfare organisations work together to provide the necessary services,” Miles said.

“The live transport of animals by sea is not only inhumane but also unnecessary. The incident in February 2024, where thousands of cows were subjected to brutal conditions, should have been the final straw. It’s time for South Africa to align with responsible global standards and put an end to this cruel practice, prioritising animal welfare over profit.

“The current industrial farming model is unsustainable for animals, the environment and humanity. We need a comprehensive shift towards sustainable, humane food systems that respect animals and reduce environmental harm,” said Miles.

Fiona Miles. Picture: Four Paws

“The link between animal exploitation and pandemic risk is undeniable. If we continue down this path of industrialised animal farming and wildlife trade, the next pandemic may arise from within our borders. South Africa must adopt a One Health approach, where human, animal, and environmental health are addressed as interconnected issues.

“South Africa’s animal welfare laws need urgent reform. The current legislative framework fails to provide adequate protection for animals, and the penalties for abuse are insufficient as deterrents.

“We are calling on the government to develop a comprehensive legal framework that ensures the humane treatment of farmed animals, addresses the overpopulation of companion animals, and enforces stringent penalties for those who violate animal welfare standards.”

Attendees will witness the handover of a 1.5-metre tapestry, symbolising

the unified call for change, as well as the launch of an Animal Welfare Guide for a Kinder World under the #LiveKinder campaign.

Participants are encouraged to arrive by 9am for check-in, design their own animal welfare placard, paint their faces with their favourite animal motifs and dress in animal-themed attire to show solidarity.

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with like-minded advocates and support the movement for compassionate, animal-friendly policies in South Africa.

Weekend Argus