Sober October: The best foods to eat while taking a break from alcohol



Published Oct 12, 2022


It is always a good idea to periodically examine your relationship with alcohol. A popular way to do this is to participate in a sober month like ‘Sober October’, which is a health and wellness trend that emphasises taking a break from alcohol for an entire month.

Depending on how much a person drinks, taking a break from alcohol for a month could lead to many positive changes.

What is Sober October?

Sober October began in 2014 as a fundraising campaign for Macmillan Cancer Support, a UK-based charity that provides support to people living with cancer. This campaign’s primary goal is raising money, but the movement also emphasises the importance of checking in with yourself about your relationship with alcohol.

Like Dry January, Sober October encourages people to give up alcohol and boozing for one month.

As the name suggests, this takes place in October. Over the last few years, it has become a more general movement around the world.

So, with the month in full swing, we thought we should share some of the best foods to eat while taking a break from alcohol.

The best foods to eat while detoxing from alcohol are low-fat proteins, whole grains, foods rich in B vitamins, and fruits and vegetables. Additionally, some other foods can help curb alcohol cravings.

Fruits have high water content and can help keep a person hydrated during the withdrawal period. Picture: Pexels/Jane Doan


Fruits have high water content and can help keep a person hydrated during the withdrawal period. They’re also a good source of fibre, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

It’s common to crave sweet foods when detoxing from alcohol because sugar can mimic the effect of alcohol on the brain. While small amounts of sugar from fruit are fine, overindulging in sugary foods can contribute to withdrawal anxiety and cravings.

Green vegetables are some of the most beneficial foods you can eat at any time, so it’s no surprise they are also one of the best foods for alcohol detox. Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Green vegetables

Green vegetables are some of the most beneficial foods you can eat at any time, so it’s no surprise they are also one of the best foods for alcohol detox.

Green vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, and lettuce are extremely high in vitamin B. Health experts reveal that since alcoholism can cause vitamin B deficiency, you should aim to eat these vegetables as regularly as you can to start building your nutritional stores back up.

Nuts are a great filling and healthy snack. Picture: Pexels/Jess Loiterton


Nuts are a great filling and healthy snack. If you have any cravings, nuts can help satisfy those wants without all the added sugar that might come from other snacks like cookies or candy bars because they’re high in protein rather than calories.

There is also some evidence to suggest that certain types of nuts may even be able to boost energy levels - so if your mood swings as it relates to hunger or blood sugar drops, keep plenty on hand.

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